HOD day 2021

Planning tool

Use the planning tool to capture ideas about

  • Methods of data collection
  • Who to measure
  • What to measure and how

Blank planning tool template

Crunch the coach

Using secondary data

Secondary data can be provided by the teacher and/or sourced by the student.

Overall for the dataset:

  1. Was the data collected using an observational study or an experiment (from CL5)? ( Method)
  2. Who was the data collected from? (“Who”)
  3. Who collected the data? (Method)
  4. When was the data collected? (Method) 
  5. Where was the data collected? (Method)
  6. What was the purpose for collecting the data? (Initial investigator’s problem/purpose)

Specific to the variable (What and how):

  1. State the variable.
  2. What was the data collection or survey question asked to collect the data? 
  3. How was the variable measured?
  4. What are the units, if any, for the variable?
  5. What are the possible outcomes for the variable?
  6. What type of data is it? Categorical or numerical?

Litter intelligence



https://new.censusatschool.org.nz/explore/ Explore the data




https://data.govt.nz/  Discover and use data 

Australia https://data.gov.au/data/; European Statistics https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/data/database;  OECD https://data.oecd.org/;  UK https://data.gov.uk/; USA https://www.data.gov/; World Bank https://data.worldbank.org/    


https://figure.nz/ Find and use figures about our country, for free.

Gapminder and Dollar Street

Gapminder https://www.gapminder.org/data/ 

Dollar Street https://www.gapminder.org/dollar-street 

Google dataset search – a search engine for datasets




  • Requires you to register to access the data, this is free


  • To access datasets you need to register, this is free 
Litter intelligence

https://litterintelligence.org/ Data, insights and action for a litter-free world.

National Geographic


This link is to the classroom resources page, search for data.

Teaching Statistics is Awesome


Waka Kotahi | New Zealand Transport Authority

Motor vehicle register https://nzta.govt.nz/resources/new-zealand-motor-vehicle-register-statistics/new-zealand-vehicle-fleet-open-data-sets

Sharing datasets with one another